Today I cook an epic White Chicken Chili while being incredibly productive: Aquarium, Amiibos, Grocery Shopping, and more!
Tons of Gatsby footage today. Gatsby meets up with his friend Jack the Frenchie, we go on a Hike, and then I cook a great meal - all in a day's work in Life After College!
Many people loved my How To Make Ramen video, so I thought I'd provide an update! Along with Grocery Shopping at the Asian Market, and Hiking with my Corgi.
Today I share my top 5 Favorite Amiibos (and bottom 5) so far. In addition, I go hunting for Greninja Preorders at Toys R Us. Was I successful? Watch and see!
Today we spend a day devoted to Gatsby the Corgi. We go to a local Corgi Meetup, Bring Gatsby to the vet, and check out how Gatsby's markings have changed over time. We also do some grocery shopping and cooking of spaghetti.
Going Amiibo Hunting, Corgi Parties, Amiibo Unboxing, My Top 5 Oscar Moments of 2015, Aquarium Stores, and More!
If you are sick of eating Ramen as your meal, here is another alternative that is easy and tasty for your life after college dinner. Today I will show you how to cook thinly sliced beef and napa cabbage with an asian twist. This recipe requires very few ingredients. The recipe is very easy to make and doesn't require much cooking skills at all. Try it out for yourself!
Life After College calls for an upgrade to your College Meal: Ramen. Learn how to make delicious, cheap, and easy deluxe ramen. I take you grocery shopping with me to the Asian Market in order to show which ingredients I use. Then I show step-by-step, what I do in order to prepare my ramen noodle dinner. As you can see, Ramen can be a complete meal! Protein, Vegetables, and Carbs!