Rose is a Social Media Consultant for a local band in Los Angeles, California. Rose's job entails writing all the band's blogs, creating and managing the social networking accounts, and editing the website. Learn how Roses's studies and writing skills lead to her current job.
Kyle is an Online Travel Marketer in Maui, Hawaii. Learn how online travel marketing is changing the face of the travel industry. In addition to work, Kyle lives quite a life: he wakes up at 6:00 AM to go surfing outside his house before work and coaches soccer at night. What a life.
Ryen is an Internet Marketer living in the San Francisco Bay Area. His work does not consist of the normal nine-to-five job. Because he works from home, he creates his own hours and works 7 days a week. However, he does splurge on his apartment, as you can see from his photos, because he spends all his time there.