Got My Online Import Amiibo Wave 5 Hunt done from Play-Asia. (Palutena Amiibo, Dark Pit Amiibo, and Zero Suit Samus Amiibo) Check out the Full Amiibo Collection as well as CORGI vs LABRADOR in today's VLOG!
Today I cook an epic White Chicken Chili while being incredibly productive: Aquarium, Amiibos, Grocery Shopping, and more!
Going on an Amiibo Hunt for Greninja at Toys R Us (Collecting and Completing Wave 4 including Lucina, Robin, Ness, and Jigglypuff)! I Completed My Amiibo Collection! BONUS: Hiking and Farmer's Market with my friends!
Today I COMPLETE My Nintendo Amiibo Collection! Got Marth, Villager and Shulk! Check out all the Corgi Business too!
Today I share my top 5 Favorite Amiibos (and bottom 5) so far. In addition, I go hunting for Greninja Preorders at Toys R Us. Was I successful? Watch and see!
Going on a Crazy Nintendo Amiibo Hunt at Target (completing the collection using Curbside - Amiibo HAUL) finding rare amiibo including Lucario, Meta Knight, Gold Mario, and more!
Today, I've been with Gatsby for one year! In addition, my college roommate comes for a visit. We go hiking, open a gold mario amiibo, and more!
Going on an Amiibo Hunt (including Wii Fit Trainer, Meta Knight, Captain Falcon, and More). Also featuring Gatsby the Corgi Puppy, and In-N-Out Burger!
Going Amiibo Hunting, Corgi Parties, Amiibo Unboxing, My Top 5 Oscar Moments of 2015, Aquarium Stores, and More!
I make my Oscar Movie predictions (after having seen ALL best picture nominees) and go on Amiibo Hunts for Rare Amiibos!