
Life After College: Vlogs

My name is Ryen and I Vlog After College. Follow my life through after having graduated from College–a part of life not usually featured online

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#Corgi Beach Day Brings Thousands of #Corgis Puppies to Southern California! ALSO: Visiting Disneyland & Disney California Adventure Park, Gatsby Launches his Corgi On Fleek Calendar and we take a Road Trip down to Los Angeles!


#Corgi #Dog Tries #IQ Personality Test. Gatsby faces his the biggest challenge of his life, the dognition canine cognition intelligence and personality test, can he stay true to his training or will he be lured to the dark side with delicious treats?


Panda Express (#PandaExpress) Ranking the Full Menu of Chinese Food from Best to Worst! ALSO: Target Shopping Haul, Gatsby the Corgi, and Red Sea Max Aquarium!


Instant #Ramen Taste Test Kylie Jenner (#KylieJenner) Style, Breakfast Style, and French Fry Soba Style. Corgi Burrito Wrapped in Blanket, Calendar News, and Trying Chipotle's new Chorizo Option


Life with a #Dog and Without a Dog Comparison. What changed when I got my #Corgi? ALSO Corgi Reacts to Farm Animals, Making Harry Potter Pumpkin Juice, #Halloween Costume Store, Corgi Jokes, and More!


#Corgi Climbs #Stairs Throwback to when he was a puppy learning vs Now at San Francisco (#SanFrancisco) 16th Ave Mosaic Stairs! ALSO: Making Chicken Ramen, My Vlog Equipment, Calendar Update, Buzzfeed Dessert Taste Test, and More!


Weird Food Combinations Taste Test (#TasteTest) inspired by #Buzzfeed and their list of suggestions including Pickles and Peanut Butter, Soy Sauce and Ice Cream, and French Fries and Ice Cream. ALSO: Tons of Corgi, New Corals for my Red Sea Max Saltwater Aquarium, Buzzfeed Hot Dog Pasta Recipe, and a Sunset Hike!


Instant #Ramen Cup Noodles (#CupNoodles) Taste Test Around the World Challenge! Ramen from USA, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, China, and More! ALSO Gatsby the Corgi's Big News and Tons of Ukulele Covers!


#Buzzfeed Food #Avocado (#AvocadoToast) #Recipes #TasteTest vlog also includes Avocado Gazpacho (chilled soup) and Avocado Mac & Cheese. ALSO: Avocado Grocery Haul, Corgi Artwork, Saltwater Aquarium Update, Corgi Ball Juggling, and Saltwater Aquarium Update!


Dog Test! #Corgi's Choice: Chicken or Me? French Bulldog (#FrenchBulldog #Frenchie)? ALSO: Batman Vs Superman #BatmanVsSuperman Corgi Vs French Bulldog! Trying Snacks from Netherlands, Cooking Food from Indonesia and Hawaii!