
Life After College: Vlogs

My name is Ryen and I Vlog After College. Follow my life through after having graduated from College–a part of life not usually featured online

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Going on an Amiibo Hunt for Greninja at Toys R Us (Collecting and Completing Wave 4 including Lucina, Robin, Ness, and Jigglypuff)! I Completed My Amiibo Collection! BONUS: Hiking and Farmer's Market with my friends!


My College friends come to visit me over Memorial Day Weekend for a FUN Weekend touring Santa Clara University, Wii U Games, and Mini Golf!


Today I COMPLETE My Nintendo Amiibo Collection! Got Marth, Villager and Shulk! Check out all the Corgi Business too!


Tons of Gatsby footage today. Gatsby meets up with his friend Jack the Frenchie, we go on a Hike, and then I cook a great meal - all in a day's work in Life After College!


Many people loved my How To Make Ramen video, so I thought I'd provide an update! Along with Grocery Shopping at the Asian Market, and Hiking with my Corgi.


Today I share my top 5 Favorite Amiibos (and bottom 5) so far. In addition, I go hunting for Greninja Preorders at Toys R Us. Was I successful? Watch and see!


Today I share my story about the Nightmare College Report I had to write in College (400 page Marketing Plan). I'm getting stressed just thinking about it.


Today we spend a day devoted to Gatsby the Corgi. We go to a local Corgi Meetup, Bring Gatsby to the vet, and check out how Gatsby's markings have changed over time. We also do some grocery shopping and cooking of spaghetti.


Today was a very productive day! I get a lot done including a Cornell University seminar, Home Depot run, Tennis with my college friends, Amiibos, Aquarium, and more!


I spend some extra time on my saltwater biocube nano reef aquarium today! I also do a part 2 Oreo challenge with my friend ShawnSecrets.