My name is Ryen and I Vlog After College. Follow my life through after having graduated from College–a part of life not usually featured online
Providing some answers about Gatsby's Corgi Puppy days. Also Ninebot One E+ and Sugarfina Candy Store Opening!
I got the Ninebot One E+ (segway/hoverboard/electric unicycle) and learn how to ride it! Gatsby the Corgi also gets a new iFetch Ball Launcher. And we go to a Car Show!
Bulking Food Cooking for Gains, Hard Gainer, Fitness Goals, Video Games, and TONS of Corgi Dog Action! It's a Good Day!
Vlogging Amiibos: Olimar, Bowser Jr. and Dr. Mario Amiibo Unboxing, 10 Random Amiibo Facts, and Guess the Amiibo Shadow Game! BONUS: I Bake some Lemon Squares and Gatsby the Corgi Tags along!
Made the corgi road trip back home, Vidcon 2015 Review, and the Usual Gatsby Corgi Romp. PLUS Make sure to check out Gatsby's new video on his own channel!
Spend a Day with me at the New Disneyland 60th Anniversary Diamond Celebration and Disney California Adventure Parks checking out all of the NEW and Updated attractions including the Fireworks, Paint the Night Electrical Parade, Matterhorn, Peter Pan's Flight, Haunted Mansion, and More! PLUS tons of Random Disneyland Facts & Trivia!
Made it to SoCal Corgi Beach Day, the world's largest gathering of Pembroke Welsh Corgis and Cardigan Corgis. We also made it to the closing day at Vidcon!
Vlogging My Full Day at Vidcon 2015. Met Jesse Wellens from PVP & BFvsGF. And we go to Disney California Adventure to see World of Color Celebrate! Gatsby Corgi also does a Meet & Greet with his Fans.
Corgi Road Trip to VidCon and Corgi Beach Day in Los Angeles! Celebrating my birthday on the road.
Taking Care of My Corgi & Giving a Tour of the Best Coral Aquarium Store Neptune Aquatics!