
Life After College: Vlogs

My name is Ryen and I Vlog After College. Follow my life through after having graduated from College–a part of life not usually featured online

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Going on a Crazy Nintendo Amiibo Hunt at Target (completing the collection using Curbside - Amiibo HAUL) finding rare amiibo including Lucario, Meta Knight, Gold Mario, and more!


Catch up with what I've been up to. In addition, I reveal my list of best and worst movies of 2014!


Today, I've been with Gatsby for one year! In addition, my college roommate comes for a visit. We go hiking, open a gold mario amiibo, and more!


Going on an Amiibo Hunt (including Wii Fit Trainer, Meta Knight, Captain Falcon, and More). Also featuring Gatsby the Corgi Puppy, and In-N-Out Burger!


Today I'm testing my Corgi Dog's Intelligence with the Dog IQ Test! (inspired by JennaMarbles) Includes tons of rapping, Amiibos, Target Groceries, and more!


Made it to 400 VLOGS! Celebrating with A Day in the Life Vlog with Gatsby the Corgi! I also answer tons of questions about my job/work, corgis/dogs, workout/gym, and more!


Going Amiibo Hunting, Corgi Parties, Amiibo Unboxing, My Top 5 Oscar Moments of 2015, Aquarium Stores, and More!


I make my Oscar Movie predictions (after having seen ALL best picture nominees) and go on Amiibo Hunts for Rare Amiibos!


Today Gatsby the Corgi Dog Gets Neutered. Watch the Full Day Experience at the Humane Society and all the shenanigans.


Today I prepare to get Gatsby Neutered + catch up with all the movies I've been watching! It's a full day.